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Migaloo the Humpback Whale

Migaloo the mysterious white humpback whale leaps to international stardom at the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in Carrara Stadium on the Gold Coast on the 4th of April, 2018.

Trivia and fun facts

He, (yes, he, identified because of his poor singing voice – true story, later formally confirmed with skin samples) is well known amongst locals along the Queensland Coast during the annual humpback migration. He is so named because Migaloo in aboriginal language loosely means White Fella. Migaloo is in fact not albino, but possibly leucistic and because of his rarity he has special commonwealth protection with $16,500 potential fines for boaties if they come within 500m of him.


Sitings of a mysterious white whale started off the coast of Byron Bay in 1991 but we believe he was born around 1986. As he gets older, it is expected we will see less of him as he swims further off the coast. Migaloo is rare – but not alone in the oceans.

Migaloo Today

From late May to November Whale season usually at its best on the Gold Coast. On occasion, you can stand on the beach and watch the humpbacks breaching as they head north to breed in warmer waters.

The Humpback Whale Migration

Humpback whale watching is a fabulous activity to do on the Gold Coast. A great bucket list item for nature lovers. Why not book a boat trip as part of your next nature adventure when you book your accommodation at Wallaby Ridge Retreat, just 40 mins to the Gold Coast for a different kind nature experience whilst staying. Or just head off to one of the local Gold Coast Beaches and try your luck. Currumbin Beach offers some great vantage points. Locals Tip: Climb Elephant Rock for a great vantage point.

Migaloo – Where are you?

We saw humpbacks breaching as we enjoyed the Swell Sculpture Festival at Currumbin Beach in September 2017. Thanks Commonwealth Games for identifying Migaloo as part of our Queensland and Gold Coast heritage. One day we might see Migaloo! We hope you do too!

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